Welcome, Wild Ones

Quick Intro -

10 years adventure travel guide

built a "commune"

pivot to professional world, working with MFI

but all i've every really wanted is to write poems and play outside with my friends.

Prefer offline, analog living

  • 10 years as an adventure travel guide
  • built a "commune"
  • Professional world.. MFI

Deep down, all I've ever really wanted... Is to write poems and play outside with my friends.

I'm so glad you're here

and can't wait to be friends! <3

cta to buy the new book

Mailboxes Everywhere Are Very Sad... πŸ˜”

Do your part to spread joy & save snail mail with FREE poetry postcards! πŸ’Œ 🐌 Enter your name and email and I'll send you 3 FREE printable postcards to stamp out loneliness one mailbox at a timeπŸ‘‡

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